Consultation for tax purposes is an often over-looked little piece of the big tax puzzle.
Since 2000 we have consulted with many clients seeking our advice on tax matters. We are available by appointment to answer any question you may have during the tax year. We book a minimum of 15 minutes per consultation which includes the initial meeting and any work we do after the consultation on your behalf. Any extra time past the first 15 minutes is charged at a further 15 minute interval.
We offer consultations on such things as leasing vs buying a vehicle, the benefits of paying wages to a spouse or dependant or not, the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance, and determining if a business is a hobby or a viable business enterprise.
We will talk about the benefits between spousal vs non-spousal RRSP’s, investing in RESP’s for your children, we will articulate to you how to set-up a business and the registration process required, and we talk about the pros and cons of incorporating vs proprietorships. As well estate planning for retirement and investing in TFSA’s vs RRSP’s.
Give a call. You’ll be glad you did.